When two people enter into the bliss of marriage, life is both overwhelming as well as exciting. Every day is new for both a bride and a groom as they start settling into their new life with new hopes, dreams, and expectations.
Read MoreHow do you imagine a typical painter at work? One in shabby clothes smeared with different colors on it, completely unaware of the surroundings around him, deeply engrossed in colouring the canvas with his imagination and lying beside him a colour palette, different types and sizes of paint brushes and colours. Yes, a typical painter is someone who brings out the best on his canvas from the mess around him!
Read MoreGifting you boss on his or her birthday can be a very tricky proposition. While it is fraught with scepticism (Will he like it? Not like it?), carefully-chosen birthday present for boss can often touch the right cord and help in building good relations.
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